
22 August 2023
Specialists from the "СAMР Alatoo" organization assessed the vulnerabilities of livestock breeders in the Chui region to climate change

The assessment of the impact on the resilience of communities in the Chon-Kemin Valley was conducted through a survey of 198 households with domestic livestock.

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20 August 2023
Kyrgyz scientists have developed modern devices for monitoring irrigation water consumption

Ultrasonic sensors for measuring water levels in channels have been installed at hydrological posts in the Chui region.

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12 August 2023
The PF "CAMP Alatoo" and the Water Resources Service of Kyrgyzstan discussed water management issues.

The state of water resources and consumer access to them has become a particularly acute issue for agricultural producers and farmers this summer.

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09 July 2023
Shepherds in the Naryn region have been trained in the methodology of rotational grazing for livestock

Throughout June, specialists from the NGO "СAMР Alatoo" visited pastures in the Naryn region, where they conducted training sessions on livestock grazing for shepherds.

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03 July 2023
Soil and water saving technologies for the residents of Naryn province

Local communities from the Naryn district have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge on soil and water conservation technologies that they can apply to preserve natural resources in their region.

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26 June 2023
Personnel decide everything

The deficit of specialists in water resources management was the topic of discussion at the round table organized by PF "CAMP Alatoo" jointly with the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin. K.I. Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University.

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15 June 2023
Deficit of water in Bishkek: Scientists and municipal services have identified the reasons

Scientists-hydrologists have calculated the current water consumption volume in the capital to be 400 liters per person per day.

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13 June 2023
Specialists tested a unified methodology for pasture monitoring

From June 5 to June 12, 2023, the members of the working group field-tested the developed unified methodology for pasture monitoring.

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05 June 2023
Pastures and Biodiversity: Educators and Students Learn About the Natural Resources of Issyk-Kul

The Public Foundation "СAMP Alatoo" continues its collaboration with the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin in the field of knowledge enhancement and digital skills.

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29 May 2023
The Argentine artist has taken a stand in defense of the nature of Kyrgyzstan

Luciano Folja is an artist and designer from Argentina. Several years ago, embarking on a journey to explore the world, he arrived in Kyrgyzstan: initially in transit on his way to Mongolia, and later making a conscious choice in favor of our country, where he has been living...

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18 May 2023
Specialists presented a project for a unified monitoring and assessment methodology for pastures

The development of the unified method, "Monitoring Pastures at the Local Level," is nearing completion.

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12 May 2023
Joint management will help preserve biodiversity in the Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions

The PF "CAMP Alatoo" organized a discussion on biodiversity conservation in the territory of the Khan-Teniri State Nature Park and the Naryn State Nature Reserve.
