The СAMР Alatoo РF organized a series of training sessions on the development of pasture management and utilization plans for communities in the Jeti-Oguz, Ak-Suu, and Ton districts of the Issyk-Kul region. The events took place over two days in the Barskoon, Orgochor, Jargylchak, Kydyr-Ake, and Bolot Mambetov rural municipalities. Participants included local government leaders, specialists from municipal enterprises, veterinarians, livestock owners, and herders. For the first time, specialists from municipal enterprises took part in the training, following the recent transfer of pasture committee functions to them.
The main goal of the training was to support local communities in developing pasture management and annual utilization plans. These plans were prepared based on the updated regulations approved on May 15, 2024, which establish a unified process for developing, coordinating, and approving pasture management plans. The training program was also structured around these regulations to ensure consistency in pasture planning. Such documents are essential for helping local authorities and residents effectively allocate pasture resources, prevent degradation, and ensure sustainable use.
Over the two-day training, participants studied the principles of rational land use and effective resource planning. The course covered all key components of pasture management plans, including pasture condition assessments, carrying capacity calculations, productivity evaluations, the impact of climate change, grazing regulation, fodder provision, infrastructure improvements, and financing for planned activities.
Special attention was given to the integration of ecological corridors connecting protected areas in the Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions, which allow for wildlife migration and biodiversity conservation. Participants were once again informed that land-use planning should consider livestock grazing schedules in relation to wildlife migration through these corridors.
The training also introduced innovative approaches to pasture management, including the use of digital tools for pasture condition monitoring and ecosystem pressure control. Participants analyzed the current state of pastures and explored solutions that balance ecological sustainability, economic efficiency, and community interests. One of the key outcomes of the training was the development of a concrete pasture management plan adapted to local conditions, the formation of a strategy for sustainable natural resource use, the identification of key challenges and solutions, and the strengthening of partnerships and experience exchange between rural communities and experts.
The training was conducted as part of the “Climate Adaptation of Migratory Mammals in Kyrgyzstan” project, implemented by the СAMР Alatoo РF with the support of IKI-UNEP.
Итоги пастбищного сезона 2018 года были подведены на очередном заседании районной пастбищной комиссии (РПК).
MoreThe development of the unified method, "Monitoring Pastures at the Local Level," is nearing completion.
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