Управление пастбищами: новые нормативы и местные решения

Pasture Management: New Standards and Local Solutions

21 November 2024

The development of pasture management and utilization plans in accordance with new standards, along with the establishment of municipal enterprises to provide services to the population, requires raising awareness and providing local communities with essential knowledge.

In response to these challenges, the СAMР Alatoo PF organized a roundtable discussion for representatives of local self-government bodies, agricultural development departments, municipal enterprises, and community leaders from the Ak-Suu, Jeti-Oguz, and Ton districts of Issyk-Kul region, as well as the Naryn district of Naryn region. These territories are part of the pilot area of the project “Adaptation of Mammals to Climate Change in Central Asia” (AMСС in CA).

The meeting focused primarily on the procedures for establishing and mechanisms for operating municipal enterprises responsible for pasture management. As Salamat Dzhumabayeva, coordinator of the AMСС in CA project, emphasized: "Not all pilot areas have such enterprises, which are created to meet the needs of local communities for accessible and high-quality services — whether in water supply, pasture management, waste collection and disposal, or other areas. For such enterprises to function effectively, they require competent specialists who can improve the quality of life for citizens through the provision of these services," noted the representative of the СAMР Alatoo PF.

Detailed information about municipal enterprises was provided by Urmat Omurbekov, a specialist from the Department of Pastures and Livestock Breeding under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic. Participants’ questions revolved around the operation of municipal enterprises, which, being commercial organizations aimed at generating profit, are also required to fulfill local self-government bodies mandated responsibilities for providing services to the population. Particular attention was paid to the procedures for budget formation and allocation, as well as reporting requirements and other operational aspects.

The second part of the roundtable focused on discussing the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic's model regulation for developing pasture management and utilization plans, including annual plans. This process is closely tied to the activities of municipal enterprises, as their specialists are responsible for preparing plans that are evaluated by district agricultural development departments, approved by local deputies, and adopted at sessions of rural councils. Under the AMСС in CA project, the СAMР Alatoo PF will support local self-government bodies and municipal enterprises in drafting these plans in five pilot rural districts.

During the event, participants also discussed the administrative-territorial reform, the five-year program for pasture development, and the goals of the AMСС in CA project.

The final stage of the roundtable was dedicated to summarizing results and developing recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of pasture management and ensure the sustainable development of natural resources in the regions of Kyrgyzstan.

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