Жители Нарынской области сохраняют ресурсы с помощью пастбищной инфраструктуры и водосберегающих технологий

Residents of the Naryn region conserve resources through pasture infrastructure and water-saving technologies

26 May 2024

The CAMP Alatoo Foundation (СAMP Alatoo) has provided assistance to rural communities in the Jergital district of the Naryn region in implementing activities aimed at preserving land and water resources.

As a result of training on developing pasture management plans and seminars on the use of soil and water conservation technologies (SWCT), local residents have prepared mini-projects requiring financial support for the construction of infrastructure facilities. With the assistance of the CAMP Alatoo Foundation, six such facilities were established in the region's settlements in 2022-2023.

In the Naryn and At-Bashy forest farms, hinge wire mesh fences were installed on cultivated land plots measuring 2 hectares each. For a long time, the fields remained uncultivated and failed to attract potential tenants due to unfavorable conditions. Protecting fertile plots from damage by domestic livestock enabled a good harvest of barley and other crops, which were sold to local shepherds as hay after harvesting. This measure not only provided winter fodder for livestock owners from the high Arpa valley but also reduced their expenses for the more expensive purchase and transportation of hay to wintering grounds. It's worth noting that delivering feed from Naryn for one trip by truck costs shepherds 15,000 som. In addition, forest farms gained the opportunity to cultivate fields, grow fodder crops, and replenish their budgets through their sale on the local market.

In the village of Zhalgyz-Terek, a metal structure was erected to enclose a fruit garden owned by a local farmer. Zhaldoshbek Zhusuev, after undergoing SWCT training, decided to plant sainfoin on his 4-hectare homestead. This technology improves soil quality and contributes to the high-quality growth and yield of fruits, which are an important source of vitamins in the high-altitude Naryn region. Additionally, the enclosure served as a barrier to domestic animals that trespassed onto the plot and caused damage to the trees.

The quality and timeliness of veterinary assistance to livestock have been improved through the construction of a corral in the village of Kyzyl-Jyldyz. The structure, an enclosed area for isolating animals and conducting therapeutic, prophylactic, and zootechnical measures, is a vital necessity for the rural district, which has 1200 head of cattle, 10,000 sheep, and 1300 horses. Preventing various diseases and epidemics contributes to maintaining the overall health of animals and ensures the safety of dairy products.

Two additional infrastructure facilities addressed the problem of water scarcity. Despite the abundance of water resources, local residents experience a shortage of irrigation and drinking water. This conclusion was reached by experts from the CAMP Alatoo Foundation in a study on access to water for residents of the Naryn region. The study indicated that the water shortage is due to "unsatisfactory condition of hydraulic structures, significant water filtration during transportation, etc. Irrigation and water metering norms are not observed. As a result, all this leads to land degradation, reduced crop yields, and conflicts between relevant parties."

In the village of Jergital, a water distribution facility was built on the on-farm irrigation canal, allowing an entrepreneur from the village to supply his plot with irrigation water. Kubanychbek Abdyldaev cultivated barley on a 2.5-hectare area for fodder harvesting. The outdated irrigation system supplied water in limited volume, and water erosion destroyed the furrows, resulting in gullies and reduced irrigation effectiveness. Moreover, besides the farmer, neighbors downstream also used the furrow system. Shield gates were installed 25 meters from the farmer's plot, reducing losses of irrigation water, and the farmer improved relations with his neighbors.

Across the entire Jergital district, the issue of irrigated land water supply was resolved through the construction of a water intake structure. The design allowed for the transport of a certain volume of water into the Aral canal during floods and at low water levels in the Jergital River. Practice has shown that the water intake is resistant to floods. During spring floods, the torrential streams passed through special barriers and did not damage the structure. Thanks to the water intake, the volume necessary for irrigation is also maintained during low water levels.

Activities related to the construction and installation of infrastructure facilities were carried out under the project "Rangeland and Natural Resource Management in Kyrgyzstan," which the CAMP Alatoo Foundation works on with the support of the U.S. Forest Service.




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