ОФ «САМР Алатоо» представил информационную систему для мониторинга и управления водными ресурсами на международной встрече

The "СAMР Alatoo" РF presented an information system for water resource monitoring and management at an international meeting

02 July 2024

Specialists from the " СAMР Alatoo" Foundation participated in the seminar "Transboundary Water Cooperation: From the Experience of the Fergana Valley to the Waters of South Asia." The event took place in Fergana (Uzbekistan) and included representatives from the public sector, non-governmental and scientific organizations from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, international institutions, and experts from South Asian countries. The meeting was supported by the UNDP project "Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia" and the International Water Management Institute.

Participants from Central Asia shared their accumulated experience in integrated water resources management in the basins of transboundary rivers, using the Syr Darya as an example. The discussions included the development of tariffs for the river basin and presented various pricing models, emphasizing the importance of fair cost distribution and economic incentives for the rational use of water.

Experts highlighted achievements in water cooperation, including international initiatives and commitments by Central Asian countries aimed at improving water resource management and supporting sustainable development, as well as the use of gender approaches that involve and actively engage women in water management and decision-making processes.

Staff from the Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia discussed tools for alternative water stock mapping in the Fergana Valley, developed using GIS and remote sensing systems, which allow accurate assessment and management of resources. Continuing the block of technological environmental solutions, specialists from the " СAMР Alatoo" Foundation demonstrated the "Electronic AWU" information system.

This software was created to assist local water user associations and farmers, who are the primary water consumers, in the prompt distribution of resources and the use of various water-saving practices.

The data presented gave an overall picture of the progress of Central Asian countries in water resource management. The shared experiences showed that efforts have been directed towards improving methods and technologies for effective water management and climate change adaptation.

The seminar included a practical part where participants discussed transboundary water cooperation and the role of women in water management in groups. The groups analyzed current issues and gaps in cooperation, including legal, institutional, and technical aspects, as well as the lack of coordination between countries. Participants shared observations and proposed solutions to improve cooperation.

The seminar facilitated the exchange of knowledge and experience in rational water distribution and water-saving technologies. Participants emphasized the importance of such events for disseminating advanced methods. They noted the need to strengthen dialogue and cooperation among specialists from different countries. Discussions helped identify common problems and find ways to address them at the regional level.

Photo provided by UNDP in Kyrgyzstan.




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