Sixteen artificially constructed nests have appeared on the territory of the planned wetland reserve in the aiyl aimak of Issyk-Kul in the Tyup district of the Issyk-Kul region. The work was carried out by members of the "KG" Ornithological Society and the PF "Kushtar," who are involved in the conservation of biodiversity along the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul. Technical support was provided by the PF "CAMP Alatoo."
The nests are metallic structures mounted on 2-meter-high pipes, covered with reeds and straw on the outside and inside. Currently, the locations of the artificial nests are covered with ice, but after its melting, the "winter homes" for birds will rise above the water, protecting their inhabitants from foxes and jackals. It is expected that the artificial nests will attract the attention of waterfowl such as mallards, common pochards, coots, and others, providing them with favorable conditions for wintering and breeding.
Ornithologists and local nature conservationists will monitor the species of birds that inhabit the nests, the timing and periods of nesting, the number of chicks, and the time of their return migration. The results of these observations will help plan nature conservation and biotechnical activities in the future reserve. Artificial nests will be part of excursions and environmental events that members of the "KG" Ornithological Society plan to conduct for schoolchildren starting from early spring.
Итоги пастбищного сезона 2018 года были подведены на очередном заседании районной пастбищной комиссии (РПК).
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