Эксперты по управлению земельными ресурсами обсудили единую методику мониторинга пастбищ

Land management experts discussed a unified pasture monitoring methodology

19 June 2024

Specialists from the "СAMP Alatoo" PF presented the standardized methodology for monitoring pasture conditions to experts and decision-makers. The presentation took place at a roundtable attended by leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, representatives of scientific and public organizations in the field of natural resources, and international institutions.

The unified methodology for monitoring and assessing pasture conditions was developed in 2023 by an interagency group of specialists at the initiative of the Department of Breeding Livestock, Pastures, and Fodder under the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture, and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. This effort was supported by the regional program "Integrated Land Use Considering Climate Change in Central Asia" of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and with technical assistance from the "CAMP Alatoo"PF.

The developed methodology will serve as an effective tool for sustainable livestock management, preventing pasture degradation, mitigating the impacts and consequences of climate change, and ensuring adherence to livestock grazing load norms.

Specialists from the "CAMP Alatoo" Foundation explained to the participants the reasons for creating a unified monitoring system for all parties involved in pasture management. The "Guide to Monitoring and Assessing Pasture Conditions" was presented, describing standardized approaches and methods. Special attention was given to assessing pasture conditions using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), which enables a shift from monitoring points to spatial analysis. Additionally, a pasture condition monitoring database was introduced, which systematizes the collected information and facilitates access to it.

The project team of the "CAMP Alatoo" Foundation also developed a data flow scheme for monitoring, including stages of information collection, processing and analysis, and its use in management decisions. According to this model, data submitted to the database of the Department of Breeding Livestock, Pastures, and Fodder of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic will be used in the development of state pasture management policies, in reports on fulfilling international commitments in the field of land resources and climate change, and in the formulation of pasture management plans.

Participants of the roundtable unanimously agreed that the proposed scheme aligns with the state policy of digitalization, and in the future, responsible agencies should promote and implement this model in practice.

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