Восстановление земель в Чаткальском районе Джалал-Абадской области

Land Restoration in Jalal-Abad Region

21 October 2024

The СAMР Alatoo РF has begun work on a new project aimed at improving and utilizing various tools for environmental monitoring and land restoration. The project covers the Kanysh-Kyya Aiyl district in the Chatkal region of Jalal-Abad oblast, where the foundation’s specialists have conducted field research.

The goal of the trip was to discuss land degradation issues with local authorities and activists, and to explore potential solutions for restoration. Site inspections were also conducted in areas requiring reclamation.

During the meetings, representatives of the local administration highlighted the problem of a disrupted ecosystem that arose after the river's course was altered, leading to barren land devoid of vegetation and worsening the degradation process. The river's course was changed as part of measures to prevent bank erosion, which posed a threat to the settlement. Local residents proposed tree planting as a way to stabilize the soil and strengthen the riverbanks. In the future, this initiative could not only help restore the ecological balance but also provide socio-economic benefits to the local community.

The data collected will be used in the further implementation of the project “Improvement of Tools for Environmental Monitoring and Reclamation in the Kyrgyz Republic,” which is being carried out by the СAMР Alatoo РF with support from UNDP.



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