The СAMР Alatoo РF has started implementing the project «Enhancing landscape resilience to zoonotic disease emergence by consolidating nature conservation systems in Central Asia». The project is supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
The southeastern part of the Issyk-Kul region has been chosen as the pilot area for the project, including the "syrt" zone, where key biodiversity species are concentrated. This area plays a vital role as a "natural" barrier against the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases.
In late February, specialists from СAMР Alatoo РF held introductory seminars in the cities of Karakol and the village of Kyzyl-Suu (Jeti-Oguz district). The events brought together representatives of state and municipal institutions, veterinary services, specially protected natural areas, and local community organizations.
Participants were introduced to the project's goals and objectives and the "One Health" concept. It was highlighted that the project aims to reduce zoonotic disease risks by strengthening environmental, veterinary, and medical measures, as well as expanding protected natural areas.
During the seminar, participants discussed ways to integrate environmental, veterinary, and medical efforts to minimize zoonotic disease risks. International standards such as the IUCN Green List and other effective measures for conserving natural areas (OECMs) were presented. These measures help protect biodiversity and effectively manage key natural areas, even if they do not have official protected area status. In group work, participants analyzed the risks and threats of zoonotic diseases in the project area.
Studies show that the southeastern part of Issyk-Kul region has natural foci of zoonotic diseases. In this area, livestock farming is the main economic activity, which increases the likelihood of infections being transmitted between wildlife and domestic animals. The region is also rich in biodiversity and has significant tourism potential, which requires additional measures to prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases. Protected natural areas can play a crucial role in protecting ecosystems and reducing the risk of new diseases emerging.
The project is based on the "One Health" concept, which connects nature conservation, veterinary science, and medicine, providing a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. Climate change, habitat destruction for wildlife, and increased contact between wildlife and human activities weaken natural mechanisms of disease control. In this context, consolidating protected natural areas helps prevent zoonotic diseases by preserving ecosystems and protecting human and animal health.
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