Study tour для будущих лидеров неправительственных организаций

Study Tour for Future NGO Leaders

12 September 2024

The "СAMР Alatoo" Public Foundation, together with the USFS NGO Network international program, organized an educational tour for young leaders from 12 countries: Bahrain, Jordan, Peru, India, Brazil, Kenya, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. From September 9 to 13, representatives of NGOs working in the field of natural resource conservation, as well as staff from the USFS NGO Network, participated in an intensive training focused on experience exchange and leadership skills development.

The USFS NGO Network brings together civil society organizations from various countries and holds annual meetings and seminars on nonprofit sector development. Last year, the program's focus was on leadership, and an international team of participants was formed following the training in the United States. This year, the young leaders met again, this time in Kyrgyzstan. The choice of the country and the "СAMР Alatoo" Public Foundation as the host organization was due to the long and successful partnership between the organization and the USFS NGO Network.

The tour's program aimed to create an interactive platform for experience sharing, communication, and field trips to study best practices in natural resource management. The training’s main focus was on organizational development and leadership. Representatives of "СAMР Alatoo" shared their experience of the management system, where every employee has the opportunity to demonstrate leadership qualities by heading working groups or applying for the position of director, who is re-elected every four years. In addition, each program is overseen by a program manager responsible for project implementation and staff coordination.

Special attention was given to creating psychological safety and a supportive environment for leaders and their teams. USFS specialists shared examples of effective practices in establishing a supportive and open work atmosphere, which leads to improved performance and stronger team relationships.

To reinforce leadership knowledge, participants took part in simulation games such as "Snow Leopard Conservation and Its Habitat" and "Pasture Management." Each participant had to actively collaborate with other team members, make decisions, and take responsibility to achieve the game’s objectives. This exercise not only fostered leadership skills but also helped participants gain a deeper understanding of snow leopard conservation and effective pasture management tools, which play a critical role in maintaining ecological balance. Sharing their impressions, participants noted that they gained a better understanding of the importance of teamwork and were able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses in leadership. They also mentioned that the decision-making process in the game was more challenging than expected, requiring quick thinking and strategic planning.

Another key topic of the general discussion was effective networking, which plays a crucial role in NGO development and project success. Participants exchanged ideas and examples on how to build sustainable cooperation between organizations from different countries. "СAMР Alatoo" shared its experience in creating and managing the regional GREEN CA network, which brings together experts and organizations involved in environmental protection in Central Asia. This network facilitates information exchange, coordination of efforts, joint implementation of initiatives, and strengthens collaboration.

During a field trip, tour participants visited the Chon-Kemin rural district, where they learned about the work of the "Shumkar Tor" Public Organization, which focuses on the restoration and conservation of natural areas. This visit was an important step in understanding how local communities can effectively manage natural resources.

At the end of the study tour, participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers for the comprehensive program, valuable experience exchange, and friendly atmosphere. The event served as an excellent platform for discussing key issues and finding collaborative solutions. Participants emphasized that the knowledge and skills gained will be applied in their future work on project management and environmental protection in their respective countries.


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