Региональная экологическая сеть «GREEN CA» запустила онлайн платформу

The regional environmental network "GREEN CA" has launched an online platform

07 July 2024

The updated website of the "GREEN CA" network was presented to experts and NGO representatives from Central Asia by members of the administrative team of the consortium, established in 2019 by the "СAMР Alatoo" Foundation (Kyrgyzstan) and the "Ecomuseum" Association (Karaganda, Kazakhstan). The online platform is the result of consolidated experience over the past five years and decisions based on interactions with state and international partners, experts, and their expectations from the network's activities, as well as the conditions for cooperation at the regional level.

Members of the administrative team stated that the mission of "GREEN CA" remains to strengthen cooperation, knowledge sharing, and information exchange among experts in the association while adhering to principles of openness and transparency. The regional network aims to promote the conservation of resources, biodiversity, combat desertification, climate change, and other negative natural processes in Central Asia, as well as to advance the green economy in the region and fulfill various international commitments by the countries in the region.

Currently, the network has over 190 individual experts and 40 organizations with competencies in 15 areas of ecology, resource management, climate change, and more. These members will use the website to carry out "GREEN CA" activities. As per the network membership rules, the platform provides members with the opportunity to gain knowledge, experience, assistance, and recommendations from the expert pool, find "partners, colleagues, and specialists for collaborative work on projects or tasks," and access announcements for professional skill enhancement programs. In short, the "GREEN CA" network ensures its members' independence and autonomy and eliminates any competition in project implementation, while the administrative team undertakes the functions of managing and moderating content published on the online platform.

To fully utilize the website, experts need to register and upload their resumes to join the database, enabling them to receive comprehensive information, create working groups and participate in their activities, upload documents, scientific literature, announcements of events, competitions, tenders, etc. Details of registration, forming working groups, and content uploading are provided in the rules specifically developed for network members and posted on the website.

During an interactive session with event participants, proposals were made for developing a mobile application for the "GREEN CA" platform, establishing a notification system for network activities in messengers, and more.

This fall, work is scheduled to begin organizing and conducting online training and lectures on the platform. Network members are encouraged to submit topics of interest that can be covered during these training events.

*The concept of GREEN CA was developed in 2019 by the "СAMР Alatoo" Foundation (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) and the "Ecomuseum" Association (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, (German Society for International Cooperation). The consortium created the Central Asian platform for sharing expertise, knowledge, and experience in response to the region's urgent needs and the growing interest of donors in transboundary initiatives. The integration of efforts and experience of experts from five countries is intended to provide substantial assistance to each of them, considering that environmental problems know no borders.



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