Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация (ФАО) ООН в КР и гражданский сектор обсудили сотрудничество

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in the Kyrgyz Republic and the civil sector discuss cooperation

22 September 2022

The CAMP Alatoo PF has organized a consultation meeting between representatives of the UN FAO in the Kyrgyz Republic and civil society organizations (CSOs) working in the field of agriculture, environment and food security. The goal of the event was to introduce the civil sector to the draft UN FAO framework programme in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2023-2027 and to receive recommendations from CSOs. The document identified priorities for the UN agency support to socio-economic areas of the country and the results to be achieved as a result of its implementation.

According to Marlen Tynaliev from the UN FAO in the Kyrgyz Republic, the programme has already been discussed with government agencies and the business community, who have expressed their views based on common needs, challenges and experiences. The discussion with the civil sector put an end to the series of consultations and the programme will be finalized before the end of the year, taking into account the proposals of all stakeholders. The document was prepared based on Kyrgyzstan's National Development Strategy until 2040 and was also guided by the UN FAO ideals of "better production", "better nutrition", "better environment" and "better life" in the world.  

The UN FAO suggests Kyrgyzstan to base its cooperation on the priorities such as (1) ensuring equal access of population to health services, social protection, employment through effective gender policy; (2) supporting national efforts for prosperity and sustainability through environmental and socio-economic development; (3) promoting actions related to climate change, disaster risk management and environmental protection to conserve natural resources. These areas are identical to the UN's shared value system and sustainable development goals.

"The results of steps in these directions should show that by 2027, Kyrgyz people, especially from vulnerable groups, will be resilient to challenges, provided with decent work, strengthened in their skills and empowered to make positive changes in society. Kyrgyzstan will improve prosperity through a green economy, targeting food and nutrition quality and begin the transition to low-carbon development," said Marlen Tynaliev from the UN FAO in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Representatives of civil society organizations noted that the participation of an international agency in the field of farmers' rights is not indicated in the programme. According to Aida Zhamangulova from the AID NGO, "UN FAO in Kyrgyzstan should ensure and protect farmers' rights to get access to seeds and resources".  The FAO staff member explained that human rights as a topical issue is always in the focus of their work. "We contribute in one way or another to securing farmers' rights, for example, we were consulted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic in the development of the land and water codes. In the future, we will consider including protection of rights in our cooperation programme with the Kyrgyz Republic, taking into account our capabilities," said Richard Moody, Senior Policy Advisor at the UN FAO in the Kyrgyz Republic. When asked about the international organization's intentions to address the problem of food security in the Kyrgyz Republic, it was noted that training for local farmers on increasing productivity, introduction of innovative technologies, etc. is being carried out for this purpose.

Participants were asked to work in groups to formulate their proposals on three key programme priorities: social services, green economy and food security, environment and climate change adaptation. For each of these, mechanisms were identified and practical recommendations were given, the main ones were raise public awareness and widely e importance of climate change issues (e.g. melting glaciers), disseminate "success stories", provide experts and mentoring support for migrants, etc.

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