Почво- и водосберегающие технологии для жителей Нарынской области

Soil and water saving technologies for the residents of Naryn province

03 July 2023

Local communities from the Naryn district have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge on soil and water conservation technologies that they can apply to preserve natural resources in their region.

In May and June of the current year, specialists from the NGO "CAMP Alatoo" conducted a series of training sessions for residents of the villages of Zhargetal, Zhalgyz-Terek, and Kyzyl-Zhyldyz in the Naryn district. Over 50 farmers, members of pasture committees, and rural administrations participated in the training.

During the initial stage of the seminars, participants identified the natural resources in their villages. Through exercises such as "card work," "brainstorming," and with the assistance of moderators, villagers revealed that the majority of the territories in their settlements are occupied by pastures, hayfields, and irrigated lands. These resources, often located near the villages, are intensively used for agricultural purposes, generating income for the residents. Discussions highlighted that the cyclical nature of water, the use of mineral fertilizers, biomass, and other factors impact the state of natural resources. Disruptions to these cycles lead to issues such as soil erosion, water deficits by the end of the dry season, degradation of pasture vegetation cover, and wildfires.

Villagers can counteract or mitigate resource degradation and ensure their sustainable development through soil and water conservation technologies (SWCT). Alongside traditional knowledge used in farming, harvest collection, or livestock grazing, modern SWCTs prove cost-effective and contribute to the long-term preservation of resources. Participants concluded that the implementation of SWCTs in agricultural activities requires training, financial investments, professional consultations, and monitoring of technology effectiveness. As a result of the training, local residents developed nine projects aimed at strengthening soil fertility and improving irrigation systems. Specialists from "СAMP Alatoo" assisted villagers in selecting suitable SWCTs, compiling lists of necessary materials, and estimating costs.

The shortage of irrigation water and the poor condition of irrigation networks are common problems for farmers, which they hope to address through their projects. Kubanychbek Abdyldayev, a resident of Zhargetal village, cultivates barley for animal feed on a 2.5-hectare plot. One and a half hectares are not irrigated due to the disrepair of the aqueduct (water supply pipe), and erosion-damaged furrows have turned into ravines. Conflicts with neighbors, who use the same furrow system, further complicate the situation. In his project application, the farmer proposed installing a new water distribution system and cleaning the feeder furrows to irrigate the entire cultivated area. This will reduce irrigation water losses, prevent erosion, and improve relations with fellow villagers.

Among other SWCTs, farmers mentioned measures such as reinforcing irrigation channels, using biohumus, fencing orchards, and establishing watering points. "СAMP Alatoo" specialists, following application review criteria, will select three projects for further financial assistance and technical support. Farmers whose applications are approved will also contribute to the implementation of their ideas.

The training sessions and grant support are organized as part of the "Kyrgyzstan Pasture and Natural Resource Management" project, implemented by "СAMP Alatoo" with the assistance of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).

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