ОФ «САМР Алатоо» изучает оценку климатических рисков в водных бассейнах

The "СAMР Alatoo" РF is studying climate risk assessment in water basins

25 June 2024

Specialists from the " СAMР Alatoo" Foundation participated in the latest training on climate risk assessment. This series of transboundary educational events on water basins is organized by the "Climate Risk Assessment and Capacity Development" (CRACD) project, implemented under the GIZ "Climate Risk Management in Central Asia" program. The workshops are expected to promote transboundary cooperation, focusing on identifying and analyzing hazards and vulnerabilities exacerbated by climate change.

The project team's role from the "СAMР Alatoo" Foundation involves data collection, climate risk analysis, and the development of adaptation measures in the transboundary water basins of Kadamjay district in Batken region and Kemin district in Chuy region.

The training took place in Taraz (Kazakhstan) with over 30 participants, including representatives from state and district water management structures, meteorological services, and experts from scientific and international organizations from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

The country seminar focused on assessing climate change risks in the Chu River basin, which flows through Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Participants were tasked with determining the scope of work for identifying hazards, sectors, services, and vulnerable groups, as well as gaining a comprehensive understanding of the differences and commonalities in climate risk situations in both countries to contribute to an overall risk assessment for developing adaptation measures in subsequent seminars.

During the sessions, participants created a shared database of hazards, vulnerable population categories, and socio-economic sectors exposed to risks. Group work focused on classifying climate risks in the water basin according to three priority hazards. For Kyrgyzstan, the most relevant issues were mudslides, floods, and droughts. Participants discussed potential risks from these events, their causes, and likely consequences. Another group task was to explore adaptation options that would provide preliminary information for impact chains. This work is scheduled for the next seminar in July 2024.

The results of the group's brainstorming sessions will form the basis for determining the potential and appropriate adaptation measures to climate change, as well as completing the risk assessment.






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