ОФ «САМР Алатоо» исследовал доступ к воде у жителей Нарынской области

CAMP Alatoo PF investigated access to water for residents of Naryn oblast

20 June 2022

Water management in Jergetal Aiyl Aimak of Naryn oblast was the topic of the research conducted by the CAMP Alatoo PF specialists as part of the project "Pasture and Natural Resources Management in Kyrgyzstan" aimed at developing grazing plans on application of the GRI (Responsive Grazing Index) approach by pasture committees. Availability and access to water are important conditions for local livestock farmers to feed livestock in winter, which in turn prevents early grazing in spring pastures and conserves resources.

During the primary (desk study) and field research phases, comprehensive information was collected about the Aiyl Aimak - natural, geographical and climatic specifics, socio-economic development, livelihood sources of households and local land and water use practices.  More than 70 representatives of water and pasture user associations, the rural authorities, forestry enterprises and local communities participated in the surveys and interviews.  In addition, observations of the specialists of the PF CAMP Alatoo were incorporated in the research work.

The Jergetal, Ottuk and Kok-Jyrty rivers are sources for the whole district, where water is supplied through four irrigation canals.  Despite the abundance of water resources, local residents experience a shortage of irrigation and drinking water. According to the researchers, "shortages get worse during low-water periods and such situation will aggravate every year due to climate change. The lack of water is caused by "the poor condition of hydraulic structures, high water filtration during transportation, etc. Water application rate and water resource assessment are not observed. As a result, all this leads to land degradation, reduced crop yields and conflicts between the parties involved.”

During the work, the activities of the public organization responsible for water provision and management - the Water Users' Association (WUA) and the murabs (persons in charge of the irrigation system and order) - were studied. At the period of the research, the local Teshik-Suu WUA  was not operating due to having debts to donors. At the same time, in the process of surveys, residents named the WUA as the necessary body to regulate the water system.  Today, water in the villages of the Jergetal aimak is distributed by murabs.

Based on the results of the data review and analysis, the specialists proposed recommendations based on the experience of the CAMP Alatoo PF. According to their opinion, the problem of provision and fodder preparation for livestock can be solved through creation and development of rural Seed Funds. Rational water use and water saving will be achieved through wide information campaign among the population on application of modern irrigation methods, agrotechnics and various soil- and water-conservation technologies. Trainings on these topics will help to increase the knowledge and skills of villagers.  In addition to trainings, the district needs to develop public participation in water management and involve the local population in planning and implementation of water management works, rehabilitation of infrastructure, and strengthening public control over water allocation.

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