Made in Чон-Жаргылчак

Made in Chon-Jargylchak

30 May 2024

In the near future, the village of Chon-Jargylchak in the Issyk-Kul region may become famous for its vegetables, fruits, and berries grown in an environmentally clean environment. The "СAMР Alatoo" Foundation helped local communities build a rural greenhouse. Initially, a technical plan for the greenhouse was provided, and funding for the materials was secured. Activists from the "Ala-Too Bugu" NGO contributed to the project by performing the construction work.

The "garden" is housed under the roof of a small structure measuring 18 meters in length and 6 meters in width. This season, cucumbers were planted, and the first harvest was obtained. "We learned how to plant seeds, grow seedlings, and care for the future crop from the Internet. However, we did not consider that the instructions and advice were tailored for a different climate. Due to the difference in conditions, we harvested the first 2 kilograms of vegetables later than expected," said Talantbek Usupov, head of the "Ala-Too Bugu" Foundation.

Despite lacking farming experience, the local residents are diligently learning agronomy to achieve good harvests of vegetables, berries, and fruits in the future and to establish their distribution to neighboring villages. In the fall, strawberries will be planted in the greenhouse.

The challenges faced during the project's launch are being overcome step by step, and today the greenhouse management is in reliable hands. Such agro-technologies provide rural populations with alternative sources of income, offering social protection and contributing to economic stability and improved quality of life.

The assistance in building the greenhouse was provided through the project "Engaging Local Communities in Sustainable Management and Planning of Protected Areas," which the "СAMР Alatoo" Foundation is implementing with the support of the Sigrid Rausing Trust.

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