Specialists from the СAMР Alatoo РF met with representatives from the Agency for Land Resources, Cadastre, Geodesy, and Cartography under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Department of Pastures of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Terra Technology.
The meeting focused on the prospects of integrating the "Electronic Pasture Resource Management" system, developed by the СAMР Alatoo РF, into the geo-information system (GIS) being developed by the Agency in collaboration with Terra Technology. The new GIS will include a registry of agricultural lands at the municipal level.
Experts expressed interest in using several modules of the "Electronic Pasture Resource Management" system, including land use maps, data on land productivity, and land load. A presentation of the electronic pasture monitoring database was also conducted, which could be valuable for the Agency's projects related to determining cadastral land value based on productivity.
The "Electronic Pasture Resource Management" system is a digital platform designed to improve land management. Key features of the system include (1) automatic data processing; (2) the development of integrated pasture management plans; (3) statistical accounting and monitoring of changes in animal composition and numbers.
For municipal enterprises, which assumed the functions of pasture committees following the administrative-territorial reform, the system will serve as an effective tool for annual land use accounting and management.
Specialists discussed initial ideas for system integration that will require further development. It is important to note that data from the "Electronic Pasture Resource Management" system can be visualized within the GIS, providing a comprehensive and visual solution for agricultural land management. Notably, the СAMР Alatoo РF has already handed over the "Electronic Pasture Resource Management" system to the Department of Livestock Breeding, Pastures, and Forage for administration, data collection, and processing.
The recent meeting marked an important step toward cooperation between various agencies and the creation of a unified digital platform that will contribute to sustainable development and efficient land resource management.
The "Electronic Pasture Resource Management" system was developed with the support of UNDP/GEF as part of the project "Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity and Related Land and Forest Resources of the Western Tien Shan for Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods."
Итоги пастбищного сезона 2018 года были подведены на очередном заседании районной пастбищной комиссии (РПК).
MoreThe development of the unified method, "Monitoring Pastures at the Local Level," is nearing completion.
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