Экообразование: выставка школьных работ прошла в Иссык-Кульской области

Ecological education: an exhibition of school works took place in the Issyk-Kul region

28 April 2024

In the innovative general education school named after Zhunus uulu Zapar in the village of Ak Terek, Jeti-Oguz district, Issyk-Kul region, a socio-educational exhibition "Me and the World of Unique Wild Animals of My Region" was held.

The event was organized by the PF "CAMP Alatoo" within the framework of the project "Improving the Conservation of Key Species of Migratory Mammals of Central Asia through Management and Decision-Making Considering Climate Change", which is implemented with the support of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and is one of the products of the "Environmental Education" component.

The main goal of the exhibition was to draw the attention of youth and educators from the Jeti-Oguz, Ton, Aksuu, and Naryn districts to environmental problems related to the conservation of plant and animal life and to use the "citizen science" approach aimed at involving ordinary people in the process of collecting and analyzing information on biodiversity.

The exhibition was the result of a large creative competition held in March-April of this year among students of schools and vocational lyceums from 12 villages in the project area. They presented over 200 drawings, poems, compositions, and essays about wild animals living in the mountains of Issyk-Kul and Naryn. The works showed that students and teachers are concerned about the problems of conserving plant and animal life, adaptation, and species survival in the face of climate change.

The competition commission of specialists from the PF "CAMP Alatoo" determined the 18 best works. A solemn part of the exhibition program was planned for the awarding of the winners. In addition to the students, their teacher-mentors were also recognized with certificates of appreciation and received as a gift for their active cooperation simulation board games "Snow Leopard and its Habitat", "Adventures of Barsbek", and the teaching manual "Guardians of the Snowy Mountains".

The exhibition was attended by leaders of the state administration and the education department of the Jeti-Oguz district, students, teachers, and journalists. Guests took part in the official opening of the event and the award ceremony for the winners, and familiarized themselves with the exhibition displays.





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