Information about the establishment of an ecological corridor connecting the Khan-Teniri Nature Park with the state reserves Sarychat-Ertash and Naryn was presented to the local authorities of Ton, Ak-Suu, and Jeti-Oguz districts. The ecological corridor passes through the pastures of the aiyl aimaks in these districts, covering an area of more than 864,000 hectares. In the initial stage, its length and purpose were agreed upon by representatives of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, scientists from the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, and experts from the CAMP Alatoo PF as part of the project "Adaptation of Migratory Mammals to Climate Change in Central Asia."
The next step was engaging with local self-government bodies of the aiyl aimaks. During roundtable discussions on “Engaging Stakeholders in the Conservation of Migratory Mammals and Ecosystems through Management and Decision-Making in the Context of Climate Change”, participants discussed the concept of ecological corridors, their organization and operation procedures, as well as recommendations for pasture management within the corridor.
Talant Turdumatov, Deputy Director of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas, emphasized that the ecological corridor was established in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Specially Protected Natural Areas." He provided local self-government representatives (LSG) with detailed information about the procedures for establishing and operating ecological corridors, highlighting regulations on pasture use. Specifically, he pointed out that during wildlife migration periods, livestock grazing should be limited.
A more in-depth look into the ecological corridor was presented by Azymat Usupbekov, project specialist at SAMR Alatoo, who noted that over the past 20 years, livestock numbers have increased significantly, negatively impacting both wildlife and ecosystems. Among the key threats, he highlighted climate change and anthropogenic pressure.
Zaibek Kubanychbekov, head of the Ilbirs Fund, added that migratory mammals are susceptible to various diseases, as confirmed by detailed research. The combination of this factor with the reduction of natural habitats necessitates enhanced monitoring and additional measures to protect wild animal populations.
According to Kanat Suyundukov, head of the Issyk-Kul Biosphere Territory, initiatives for biodiversity conservation are already being implemented in the region as part of a sustainable natural resource management strategy.
During the discussions, local self-government representatives raised concerns about the possible withdrawal of pastures that fall within the ecological corridor. However, Department representatives clarified that, under Kyrgyzstan's regulations for establishing ecological corridors, these lands are not subject to withdrawal, but users must comply with the designated land-use regimes and incorporate them into pasture management plans. Other key topics discussed included (1) ensuring compliance with pasture use regulations; (2) preventing disease transmission among animals; (3) raising awareness among local communities
It was proposed to conduct additional presentations for local communities and pasture users, as well as to develop guidelines for shepherds, outlining recommended actions when discovering animal carcasses and providing information on common diseases.
Special attention was given to mitigating conflicts between wildlife and local communities, particularly cases of bears and wolves attacking livestock. To prevent such incidents, various measures were discussed, including the installation of electric fences and compensation payments for lost livestock. Additionally, suggestions were made to improve veterinary services and livestock vaccination programs.
As a result of the roundtable discussion, participants acknowledged the need to integrate the ecological corridor into pasture management plans. Furthermore, the district akims of Ton, Ak-Suu, and Jeti-Oguz signed and approved the corridor’s schematic map.
Итоги пастбищного сезона 2018 года были подведены на очередном заседании районной пастбищной комиссии (РПК).
MoreThe development of the unified method, "Monitoring Pastures at the Local Level," is nearing completion.
MoreЧетыре новых моста построены в 2018 году в Кыргызстане при поддержке ОФ “CAMP Алатоо” и Швейцарской ассоциации “Памирские...