Bird Fest: Экологический туризм как инструмент развития местных сообществ

Bird Fest: Ecotourism as a Tool for Local Community Development

08 September 2024

Bird Fest 2024, the first scientific and educational festival, was held in the village of Yntymak, Tyup District, Issyk-Kul Region. Organized by the "СAMР Alatoo" Public Foundation, the event aimed to engage local communities in nature conservation and the development of tourism services.

The festival's main idea was to show local residents that preserving the nature, flora, and fauna of Issyk-Kul not only protects the unique ecosystem but also opens up new economic opportunities. Ecotourism can increase income and improve the quality of life for the population. The first steps in this direction have already been taken — local residents formed the "Kushtar Zhamaaty" society and, with the support of authorities, took over the protection of a 5-hectare coastal area. They set up yurts and established a camping area, which has started to attract tourists, including those interested in ecotourism.

"We helped the community build a birdwatching tower. More than 130 species of birds live here at different times of the year. For birdwatchers, this is a great opportunity to observe birds in their natural habitat and take photographs. We have also installed a gazebo and eco-friendly toilets to provide comfort for tourists. All of this helps to increase interest in the region," said Kanat Dzhuzyubaliyev, Project Specialist at "СAMР Alatoo."

The next goal is to motivate local residents to gain knowledge and conduct tours for tourists. Representatives of the Oskg Ornithologists’ Society held lectures on local bird species and master classes on bird monitoring during the festival. The ornithologists, who regularly monitor the region's birdlife, demonstrated how to conduct tours and share knowledge with tourists. "СAMР Alatoo" plans to develop a system that will allow local residents to offer guide services.

Another important task of the festival was to teach members of "Kushtar Zhamaaty" the basics of community-based management of natural areas. Representatives of the "Zhargylchak" Nature Reserve and the "Baiboosun" Micro-reserve shared their experiences in creating and managing protected natural areas, which will help festival participants develop their own projects.

The first Bird Fest attracted about 60 tourists and guests from neighboring villages. Representatives of the district administration officially opened the event. The creation of a protected area, in addition to improving the environment, will boost the rural economy — an increase in tourist flow and the promotion of the region will bring new business opportunities.

The festival program included excursions, lectures on birds, visits to the observation tower, board games, and tastings of traditional dishes. Funds raised from the festival amounted to over 20,000 soms. Although the income is modest for now, this is just the beginning. "СAMР Alatoo" will continue to support "Kushtar Zhamaaty" so that Bird Fest becomes a regular and popular event that can eventually grow independently, without external assistance.


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