
Kyrgyzstan Community Initiatives

The existing state system for developing protected areas, which has survived since the Soviet era, is only slowly adapting to the new conditions. It has problems with adequate funding of scientific and conservation activities as well as with maintaining professional and skilled personnel. The latter problem could be solved by involving local residents in the conservation of the protected areas to facilitate the work of the state ranger service. CAMP Alatoo PF supports community initiatives to create new PAs. Involving people in conservation brings them pride and confidence in preserving their values and cultural heritage.


Touristic visit to a protected area

Eco-tourists, campers and horse riders will find stunning scenery and picturesque waterfalls in the protected area. Wildlife- and birdwatching enthusiasts can watch the inhabitants of the protected area from specially equipped observation shelters.

Buy community products

By buying eco-products you can contribute to the protection of our nature, supporting us in conserving endangered flora and fauna.

Become a volunteer

You can become an active participant in various volunteer projects to build eco-trails, restore springs, remove graffiti from rocks, plant trees, and clean up litter. The more eco-activists learn new skills, the wider the volunteer movement spreads.

In practice, the model of public PAs is already working in the Baiboosun and Zhargylchak zoological sanctuaries in Issyk-Kul region, and the Kara-Kuzhur public hunting farm in Naryn region. Local activists are looking after flora and fauna and take care of the protection system. They conduct actions to preserve biodiversity and ecosystems and develop ideas to improve the socio-economic life of the local residents.Thanks to the public PAs implemented, residents of the surrounding villages have been able to improve their livelihoods through the production of eco-products and tourism, as well as preserve their pastures from degradation.


Baiboosun Zharatylysh Korugu Public Foundation

Baiboosun micro-reserve, Ton district, Issyk-Kul province

Ala-Too Bugu Protected Area

Zoological reserve "Chon-Zhargylchak", Jeti-Oguz district, Issyk-Kul region