Implementation Period: 2015 - 2016
Donor organization: Правительство Великобритании, Программа поддержки развития горных сообществ Кыргызстана (MSDSP) Фонда Ага-Хана
Geographical location: Баткенская, Ошская, Джалал-Абадская и Нарынская области, Кыргызская Республика
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are two neighbouring mountainous countries where agriculture and livestock are the main sources of income in rural areas. Along with other countries in the region, both republics face difficulties in the transition to new natural resource management systems. This process is complicated by post-Soviet factors such as the infrastructural interdependence of the countries and the practice of free cross-border grazing. Although rangeland management reform in Kyrgyzstan started in 2009, not enough time has passed for natural resource management to become sustainable. This is evidenced by the conflicts over pasture resources taking place across the country. Cross-border areas are considered particularly vulnerable in this respect.
Project Background
The project, based on participatory pasture management and conflicts over natural resources, took into account economic, social and environmental aspects, which ensured its sustainability.
The project executor was a consortium of five organisations in which CAMP Alatoo PF was responsible for improving the institutional and financial capacity of the 30 rangeland committees to manage use plans and rangeland management plans, including the infrastructure of the sites. The implementation of this task involved the use of tested tools and approaches on pasture management and resource conflicts as well as the testing of new methods of monitoring and assessment of pasture capacity.
Project Objectives & Goals
The project aims to improve access to and efficient management of water and pasture resources in the target communities.
Project Result
- Development and implementation of pasture use plans and management plans for the 30 pilot pasture committees
- Publication of a manual on Kyrgyz Republic pasture legislation
- rehabilitation and construction of pasture infrastructure facilities
- preparation of monitoring and assessment reports on pasture capacity for the 30 pasture committees
- 348 members, 64 of whom are women, from 30 Pasture Committees in four oblasts participated in 15 workshops on pasture conflict management and identification of mitigating measures
- 4 working groups together with pasture committees installed fencing on pastures to demonstrate monitoring plots
The results and products of the project as well as the lessons learned were disseminated at the meetings of the Coordination Council of stakeholders in the field of sustainable management and effective use of pastures in Kyrgyzstan, including state authorities, international organisations, NGOs and civil activists.