Preparation of lecture and training materials on pasture management

What we are doing
Implementation Period
  • Implementation Period: 2019 - 2019
  • Donor organization: MSDSP KG, фонд Ага-Хана в КР
  • Geographical location: г. Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
CAMP Alatoo PF specialists worked on the preparation of lectures and training materials on pasture management for the students of the Faculty of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products of Kyrgyz National Agrarian University K.I. Skryabin (KNAU).

Project Background

The lecture topics covered the whole spectrum of the pasture management process and constituted a single educational course for educators and students, with the main subjects being:

  • "Economic fundamentals of pasture resource management"
  • "Developing a grazing plan. Community Plan for Pasture Management and Use"
  • "Efficient livestock management"
  • "State registration of land. Land valuation"
  • "Conflicts over pasture resources"
  • "Impact of climate change on pasture management"

Project Objectives & Goals

Enhancing the knowledge of teachers of the Faculty of "Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products" and increasing their knowledge of legislation on land registration, development of grazing management plans, assessment of pasture and livestock vulnerability, climate change and variability, development of lectures and trainings, use of modern computer programs, etc.

Project Result

Lecture and training materials were prepared and compiled into a collection of manuals for students, teachers and seminar participants.

Parallel to the development of the training materials, training was provided for 25 educators and students of the Faculty of Production and Processing Technology of Agricultural Products, who were to teach a course on pasture management. A series of intensive, interactive training sessions lasted for a month and included a wide range of knowledge – from general teaching methods for adult audiences to highly specialised issues related to natural resources and climate change.