Integrated Natural Resource Management in drought-prone and saline agricultural production landscapes of Central Asia and Turkey

What we are doing
Implementation Period
  • Implementation Period: 2019 - 2020
  • Donor organization: ФАО-ГЭФ
  • Geographical location: Кочкорский район, Нарныская область, Кыргызская Республика.
The Kyrgyz Republic joined the UN Convention to Combat Desertification on December 19, 1997 and ratified this document on July 21, 1999. In November 1999, the first National Forum was held with participation of heads of the main ministries and departments, international and non-governmental organizations, where the Coordination Council on implementation of the Convention to Combat Desertification was established. The Ministry of Agriculture, Processing Industry and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic was responsible for the implementation of the Convention. In August 2016, by order of the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry and Melioration of the KR, an intersectoral expert working group was established to enhance the implementation of the Convention.

Project Background

At the initial stage of the project, an analysis of national policies and main factors on the use of elements of integrated natural resources management (INRM) was carried out. Furthermore, work on incorporating the concept of INRM into the agricultural development strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the management of land, water and forest resources was conducted.

Project Objectives & Goals

Improving the management capacity of government officials and expanding the use of new approaches and technologies to combat degradation of arid and saline agricultural lands and to manage natural resources. 

Project Result

Result 1 - national documents on drought control measures and preparation of the country in case of this climatic phenomenon were developed and updated.

Result 2 - joint work with the specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic to identify and assess the problems of desertification, land degradation and drought, as well as mapping for evidence-based decision-making.  To implement this task, the project increased the capacity of the staff within the Ministry and related structures in mastering new approaches and technologies in the field of sustainable land management. More than 100 specialists participated in 5 national workshops to learn tools developed by FAO to prevent and mitigate land degradation processes, such as:

1. Aqua Crop - a model that examines the productivity of the irrigation system;

2. SHARP, a tool to assess the resilience of agriculture to climate change;

3. EXACT, an agricultural carbon balance assessment tool;

4. Collect Earth-a tool to develop drought vulnerability maps using satellite technology

Result 3 - training of local communities to develop pasture management plans adapted to climate change became project-based. In the pilot Kochkor district (Naryn oblast), trainings were conducted where local farmers and livestock breeders developed a pasture management plan and assessed the resilience of their farms to climate fluctuations using the SHARP tool.

For communities of aiyl aimags Cholpon, Kokzhar, Sarybulak, Talaabulak, Koshdobo, specialists of PF "CAMP Alatoo" conducted training on the use of soil and water conservation technologies.  In addition to theoretical knowledge, residents had the opportunity to prepare mini-projects, which were funded under the project. These are rehabilitation and construction of pasture infrastructure as part of adaptation measures to climate change.  

Farmers of Kochkor district were also supported by the project.  According to the results of the study of value added chains (VAC) of local agricultural products specialists of PF "CAMP Alatoo" and experts determined that the development of meat and dairy cattle and potato production is a priority for the area.  In order to increase the forage base and reduce the pressure on pastures, experts developed a DDS funding mechanism and proposed it to farmers.  The idea was to establish several demonstration plots in the rayon to cultivate barley, alfalfa and sainfoin from high-quality seeds using advanced technologies. Farmers received seeds of these crops from the project. 

Another result was the creation of a raion Commission for Strengthening Cross-Sector Coooperation in Natural Resources Management to address local problems related to land degradation, poor irrigation networks, shortage of irrigation water, salinization and swamping of lands and disturbed grazing conditions. This public body included representatives of state and district authorities, farms, civil organizations, and entrepreneurs.