Volunteer work in the "Baiboosun" micro-reserve

Volunteer work in the "Baiboosun" micro-reserve

The micro-reserve "Baiboosun" requires volunteers to clean the territory from debris, install signs on the ecological route, work on the improvement of tourist sites, arrange hiking trails, perform construction and painting work at tourist sites together with the employees of the micro-reserve. Also, people are invited to take part in the installation of sheds for observing wild animals. We also need people to participate in the protection of the territory, on duty at the roadblocks, checkpoints and inspections of the territory of the microreserve, or on duty at the roadblocks together with the microreserve inspectors, to help identify violations of environmental laws (on foot, motorized vehicles, horseback rides). For more information, please contact Zhuzubaliev Kanat by E-mail: zhusubaliev@gmail.com