Building Capacity for Resource Users in Climate Change Risk Management in Kyrgyzstan: The Case of the Sokuluk Water Basin

What we are doing
Implementation Period
  • Implementation Period: 2011 - 2012
  • Donor organization: Швейцарская программа научных исследований Север – Юг (NSSR)
  • Geographical location: Чуйская область, Сокулукский район

Project Background

The project aimed to address several key tasks. Firstly, it required updating scientific models for runoff prediction and land management, as well as transforming the knowledge of water users. Secondly, it aimed to develop tools for raising awareness and capacity within local communities. Thirdly, it sought to implement technologies to test the feasibility of climate change adaptation.

Project Objectives & Goals

Improve the knowledge and skills of rural communities for adapting to the impacts of climate change, train them in adaptation technologies, conduct joint assessments of climate fluctuation risks, and increase awareness.

Project Result

Key Objectives:

  1. Improve knowledge and skills for climate change adaptation in rural communities: Train them in adaptation technologies, conduct joint risk assessments of climate fluctuations, and increase awareness.


  1. Baseline Studies Conducted: Completed initial research on the impact of climate change in the Sokuluk Water Basin.
  2. Climate Change Risks Assessed: Evaluated climate change risks using the existing experience of local communities in implementing adaptation measures.
  3. Adaptation Recommendations Developed: Created recommendations for climate change adaptation in the water basin.
  4. Training Module Developed and Tested: Developed, tested, and adapted a training module (L4S) on climate change adaptation.
  5. Information Materials Created and Distributed: Produced and disseminated informational materials among rural communities.
  6. Increased Awareness: Enhanced local community awareness of climate change risks.
  7. Proposals for Adaptation Measures Collected and Prioritized: Gathered, assessed, and prioritized proposals for climate change adaptation measures related to water resource use.
  8. Community Training: Local communities were trained in the method of collaborative implementation of technologies (CPT).
  9. Technologies Implemented: Selected technologies were successfully implemented.