One Health in Nature Conservation - Enhancing landscape resilience to zoonotic disease emergence by consolidating nature conservation systems in Central Asia

What we are doing
Implementation Period
  • Implementation Period: 2024 - 2029
  • Donor organization: Фонд Международной климатической инициативы (IKI),Международный Союз охраны природы (МСОП)
  • Geographical location: Иссык-Кульская область
The project aims to enhance the prevention of emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases by expanding the extent and strengthening conservation measures in natural and overlapping sociocultural areas through consolidation of a fair and effective regional network of protected and conserved areas across Central Asia.

Project Background

The project includes three core thematic components, focusing in turn on: (1) area-based (landscape) conservation; (2) wildlife species management for conservation and disease risk mitigation; (3) enhancing integrated human and environmental health through good governance and increased equity in regard to Protected and Conserved Areas (PCAs’) impacts on local communities. Moreover, three additional cross-cutting components with activities on (4) disease monitoring; (5) communications and knowledge sharing; (6) environmental and health policies will synergize with the above core components to strengthen research and use of technology and to empower diverse local and national stakeholders including communities and other marginalised groups for monitoring and prevention of zoonotic diseases, for improving awareness and education across society and development sectors, and for strategically informing national policies and programs.


Project Objectives & Goals

CAMP Alatoo PF will mainly support project activities related to community-level engagement, participation and empowerment along with inputs to sustainable livelihoods and community-based conservation endeavours as well as communication and awareness and providing inputs (recommendations) for national policies at the interface of health and environment. This partner also will support coordination with other civil society partners and with key national authorities and stakeholders.

Project Result

The project will have measurable specific impacts through the adoption and implementation of the IUCN Green List Standard in PCAs in the five target countries and other associated outcomes, which will be achieved with involvement of governmental and non-governmental organisations, specialist groups, and local communities including those sub-groups who are most marginalised and vulnerable.