Integrated community-based management of high value mountain ecosystems in southern Kyrgyzstan for multiple benefits

What we are doing
Implementation Period
  • Implementation Period: 2024 - 2028
  • Donor organization: GEF Trust Fund grant
  • Geographical location: Нарынская, Ошская и Баткенская области
The project components are designed to address key threats and remove barriers to sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation in mountain forests and pasture ecosystems, including key biodiversity areas located in Kyrgyzstan's Pamir-Alai mountain landscape.

Project Background

The project promotes global environmental objectives through the participation of women, youth, and vulnerable groups, providing them with equal opportunities for involvement, and it will improve the livelihoods of nearly 95,000 people.

As part of the initiative, four new national-level protected areas covering approximately 282,000 hectares will be established, and the effective management of five existing protected areas and pastures will be supported. This will enhance the conservation status of globally significant biodiversity and support Kyrgyzstan’s progress toward achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) goals.

Project Objectives & Goals

The project's objective is to preserve biodiversity in high-value mountain ecosystems and the associated ecosystem services, while ensuring sustainable and resilient livelihoods for local communities in Kyrgyzstan’s Pamir-Alai landscape.

Project Result

To achieve its goals and objectives, CAMP Alatoo Foundation, as the project implementer, uses and implements various approaches/tools – such as GRI, "Electronic Pasture Committee," the small grants program, and others, aimed at:

  • Outcome 1.2: Priority high-altitude pastures are sustainably managed and restored with the participation of 41 pasture committees;
  • Outcome 1.3: Priority high-altitude high conservation value forests are sustainably managed and restored with the involvement of 5 forest management units (leskhozes);
  • Outcome 2.3: Financing for protected areas is improved through the development of community-based ecotourism and partnerships with the private sector.