CAMP Alatoo is a leading regional Central Asian non-governmental organization known for its innovative approaches and tools on Sustainable Natural Resource Management that are widely distributed among local communities for the integrated management of natural resources

01 May 2024
«Виртуальная клиника» по экономике деградации земель: формирование сотрудничества в Центральной Азии

В апреле 2024 г. в онлайн-формате состоялось мероприятие «Виртуальная клиника» по вопросам экономики деградации земель (ELD)».

Photo gallery
30 April 2024
Foresters from the Naryn region have mastered the methods of closed root system for growing trees

The PF "CAMP Alatoo" organized training for employees of the Naryn and At-Bashy forestry enterprises of the Naryn region.

Photo gallery
28 April 2024
Ecological education: an exhibition of school works took place in the Issyk-Kul region

In the innovative general education school named after Zhunus uulu Zapar in the village of Ak Terek, Jeti-Oguz district, Issyk-Kul region, a socio-educational exhibition "Me and the World of Unique Wild Animals of My Region" was held.

  • No poverty

    We design and implement projects with social impact. Our sustainable solutions focus on developing people's skills to enhance well-being through the intelligent and sustainable management of resources. We give the rod, not the fish!

  • Quality Education

    We develop innovative approaches and adapt successful international experience in the field of education. In most of our projects, we include an "environmental education and awareness" component. We provide students with the knowledge, systematic and critical thinking, and motivation they need to solve environmental problems and meet the challenges of the SDGs.

  • Gender equity

    We advocate for women's empowerment through our projects. 30% of the participants in our workshops are girls and women. We believe that training women, including in the use of modern technology - computers, the Internet, special programs - is a prerequisite for sustainable development.

  • Affordable and clean energy

    We collaborated with international experts to develop new models of complete combustion stoves/boilers that reduced energy consumption by 30-40% and created an optimal microclimate in the living space. As tests and measurements have shown, the efficiency of the stoves and boilers was over 70% (which is three times higher than the market offerings).

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    We and our communities have built 90 mountain bridges in different parts of the country. But as the proverb says, before you cross a bridge, you must first approach it. We saw destroyed bridges, and in some areas we didn't see any at all. The absence of such important facilities not only makes life difficult for people, but also destroys resources.

  • Climate Action

    We work with communities to develop measures that help them adapt to climate change, and we always focus on the ecosystems whose products people use for sustainable development. By teaching, advising and putting into practice various technologies that mitigate the impact of climate change, we have noticed that adaptation often brings ideas of new sources of income to local people.

  • Life on Land

    We fight desertification and deforestation by providing professional and rural communities with the knowledge, tools and technology to help restore and healthy land. We create information centers to bring to all stakeholders important information about the experiences and efforts of the global community in preventing land degradation.

  • Partnership for the Goals

    We are open to collaboration with government agencies, nongovernmental organizations and donors to promote sustainable development in natural resource management. Our initiatives to establish district commissions for pasture management and public micro-reserve, to resolve conflicts over resources and support forest farms have found a response and understanding on the part of the relevant government agencies and have been encorporated into relevant decisions.

No poverty

We design and implement projects with social impact. Our sustainable solutions focus on developing people's skills to enhance well-being through the intelligent and sustainable management of resources. We give the rod, not the fish!

Quality Education

We develop innovative approaches and adapt successful international experience in the field of education. In most of our projects, we include an "environmental education and awareness" component. We provide students with the knowledge, systematic and critical thinking, and motivation they need to solve environmental problems and meet the challenges of the SDGs.

Gender equity

We advocate for women's empowerment through our projects. 30% of the participants in our workshops are girls and women. We believe that training women, including in the use of modern technology - computers, the Internet, special programs - is a prerequisite for sustainable development.

Affordable and clean energy

We collaborated with international experts to develop new models of complete combustion stoves/boilers that reduced energy consumption by 30-40% and created an optimal microclimate in the living space. As tests and measurements have shown, the efficiency of the stoves and boilers was over 70% (which is three times higher than the market offerings).

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

We and our communities have built 90 mountain bridges in different parts of the country. But as the proverb says, before you cross a bridge, you must first approach it. We saw destroyed bridges, and in some areas we didn't see any at all. The absence of such important facilities not only makes life difficult for people, but also destroys resources.

Climate Action

We work with communities to develop measures that help them adapt to climate change, and we always focus on the ecosystems whose products people use for sustainable development. By teaching, advising and putting into practice various technologies that mitigate the impact of climate change, we have noticed that adaptation often brings ideas of new sources of income to local people.

Life on Land

We fight desertification and deforestation by providing professional and rural communities with the knowledge, tools and technology to help restore and healthy land. We create information centers to bring to all stakeholders important information about the experiences and efforts of the global community in preventing land degradation.

Partnership for the Goals

We are open to collaboration with government agencies, nongovernmental organizations and donors to promote sustainable development in natural resource management. Our initiatives to establish district commissions for pasture management and public micro-reserve, to resolve conflicts over resources and support forest farms have found a response and understanding on the part of the relevant government agencies and have been encorporated into relevant decisions.

Our informational resources